Tools for the Hunger Games Simulator on
Take fullpage screenshots, trim the images and save them automatically.
Fixed endless loop after brantsteele website update.
Fixed fatal event detection.
Better alternative:
Virginia's Userscript
Effortlessly add tributes from thread to simulator.
Added compatibility for www. domain.
Fixed context number calibration in Chrome.
Automatically replace http image links with https when using the new simulator.
Allows creation of codes in your favorite text editor with time-saving replacements, as well as saving and loading local code backups.
Fixed compatibility of fatal events with the latest simulator changes
Fixed compatibility with the latest simulator version
Fixed compatibility with the latest Chrome version
Fixed browser console handling
Adds .txt file extension automatically
Added preliminary support for unreleased features:
Compatibility with the new simulator (still in testing)
Support for 100 tribute events
Support for 100 killers/killed (when going over 9, separate individual numbers with spaces for example)
Support for all 5 genders
Updated UI to better accomodate Windows 10
Reverse substitution: Saving events now replaces the long versions *(He/She1)* with EM's short versions *He1*
Flexible subtitution: Short versions will automatically be expanded to 5 or 2 gender variants in their respective simulators
The above allows season conversion - migrating from the old simulator to the new one, and back, while gaining gender support for free
A searchable database of many public codes.
Customize backgrounds, fonts, text sizes and many other visual styles in the simulator. Install Stylus for Firefox or Chrome first. Note: A recent update removed Stylus export button. To fix this, disable auto-updates and reinstall the userstyle. Or install Stylish instead.
Removes character limit for tribute names, events, etc.
Learn the basics of hosting as well as advanced tips to improve your games further.